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Donations, contributions and sponsoring are all very much encouraged, as well as membership also.  With a little loyalty, obligation and commitment to a very good cause, we are destined to awaken our community spirit of unity and create new financial streams that we all as a unified entity can use to enhance more profound positioning within the community.  

Below are a list of some of the Events and Functions we will be using the money for.  If you would like to contribute or donate, we would appreciate the efforts and we will take note to all who contributed to the overall achievement of our aims.  The funds will be only be used upon the acknowledgment of all members, and as the blueprint that is outlined as the agenda is well manifested in dialog.  

This will mean a great deal to the communities who will need assistance to get the ball rolling in their environments, and we at the "The Hierarchy Elite" are very thankful for all the support and efforts made by many people.

The Hierarchy Elite (Go Fund Me Donations)

  • “The Hierarchy Elite” is Social Enterprise Collective, that’s used to show and guide our members and supporters, on how to exonerate their worth within the community and the world abroad.  

    The dedication and commitment that’s needed to achieve these goals, will give our members some accountability concerning matters of the community, politics and activism as well as creating a foundation based off of unity and cooperation.  

    Our Success can be shown from our diligent labor and our constant perseverance to want to see change for the greater good of our community and fellow members. 

    Thank you for becoming a member of our Exclusive Social Enterprise Collective.  You can now say to the world, I Am Part of  “The Hierarchy Elite”, also known as “T.H.E”

    Donations, contributions and sponsoring are all very much encouraged, as well as membership also.  With a little loyalty, obligation and commitment to a very good cause, we are destined to awaken our community spirit of unity and create new financial streams that we all as a unified entity can use to enhance more profound positioning’s within the community.  

    Below are a list of some of the Events and Functions we will be using the money for.  If you would like to contribute or donate, we would appreciate the efforts and we will take note to all who contributed to the overall achievement of our aims.  The funds will be only be used upon the acknowledgment of all members, and as the blueprint that is outlined as the agenda is well manifested in dialog.  

    This will mean a great deal to the communities who will need assistance to get the ball rolling in their environments, and we at the "The Hierarchy Elite" are very thankful for all the support and efforts made by many people who love their people and their communities.

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